Be Wise – Choose Black Rice

10. February 2017 Black Rice 0
Be Wise – Choose Black Rice

Black rice is relatively rare, but a highly nutritious grain. Today, black rice is available in masses and researchers are encouraging people to opt for these rice and get all the health benefits of them. Mainly the hard or bran outer shell of black rice has all the health benefits. Read the article to discover them:

Let’s see the health benefits of black rice, which makes them a nutritionally superior food:

  • Antioxidant Rich
    When it comes to an antioxidant, then due to its dark color, black rice is rich in anthocyanin antioxidants.  Even studies have shown that black rice is far richer in antioxidant content than blueberries (which are considered as one of the topmost sources of antioxidants among all fruits).
  • Fighting Inflammation
    Inflammation is the reaction of the body against any harmful bacteria, viruses or pathogens. The human body is capable of healing the damage, caused by any disease, on its own and if the inflammation becomes chronic, then the human body may find it difficult to heal and cure by itself. Regular consumption of black rice can make your body anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and prevent diseases, caused by any harmful bacteria or viruses.
  • Weight Reduction
    Black rice is low in calories and rich in fiber, so can keep your tummy full, as a result of which you will stay away from food for a longer time period. The hunger pangs are also reduced, as the digestion process of black rice is quite long, so the food can stay for a more time and keep you full.
  • Liver Health
    Liver is an important part of the human body, which converts all food and nutrients into minerals, which are used by our body. Black rice can cure the disease of the fatty liver. The blood lipid level is increased by the consumption of black rice, which in turn can lower down the bad cholesterol level. Antioxidants of black rice can cure the liver damages and keep it healthy.

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– D

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