Eat Eggplant, Be Healthy

27. January 2017 Eggplant 0
Eat Eggplant, Be Healthy

Peculiarly shaped and highly nutritious Eggplant is loaded with multiple mineral and vitamins. Beyond just adding vital nutrients to your health, it may provide you plenty of Fibers, Antioxidants and Nutritional Components. The vibrant veggie, draped in a grape-tinted skin can promote good health and be a part of your regular diet.

And here is what this humble eggplant can do to make you healthier:

health benefits of eggplant

  1. Combats Cancer and Makes Heart Healthy
    Antioxidant and Nutritional Components of this veggie can protect the damage of cells caused by free cancer radicals. Researchers of the Agricultural Department of US (USDA) found that Chlorogenic Acid of Eggplant is a powerful antioxidant and protect against cancer by slowing down the cancer cell mutation process.Cardiovascular savior vitamins and fiber of Eggplant can lower bad cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart diseases. Ingesting this herbal and organic plant can harbor flavonoids and make your heart healthy.
  2. Improved Brain Health and Cognitive AbilityEggplants are rich in Phytonutrients and can increase the overall mental health and cognitive ability. These substances promote the blood flow throughout the brain and protect it against any disease and toxins. More oxygen, transported through blood flow can enhance analytic thoughts and memory.
  3. Improved Digestion and Fat Loss
    A healthy digestive system can be maintained through this fibrous and filling vegetable. Aubergine or Eggplant is high in fiber and low in fat, so is recommended to those who want to lose weight by organic foods. High fiber foods are mostly recommended to manage weight, fat loss and stay away from any disease.

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– D

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