Eat Strawberries and live long

Eat Strawberries and live long

Strawberries are the most common form of a berry that is consumed across the globe and has been enjoyed for thousands of years. But not everyone is aware that strawberries are actually not a fruit but are derived from the holder of the rose flower. So, they actually belong to the rose family. With looks of a human heart, this fruit is good for your health.

Packed with high amounts of fibers, vitamins and antioxidants known as polyphenols, it is a super fruit that can do wonders to your health. Strawberries help in boosting HDL (good cholesterol level) in body, keep blood pressure low because it has high volumes of potassium.

For people who are looking for weight management, consuming strawberries can help them to a great extent. These red berries are fat-free, cholesterol free & low in calories. Due to the presence of phenylalanine and amino acids that releases cholecystokinin hormone, it keeps the food cravings at bay which further assist in managing body weight.

Strawberries have rich red color because of the presence of the substance known as pectin that is also found in apples and other fruits. This substance provides fiber which makes our body feel full.

In addition, amino acids like Glycin assists insulin in regulating blood sugar levels in our body and maintaining low sugar levels. Threonine acids help in aiding digestion and regulate fluids in our body, thereby improving the metabolic rate.

The red berry fruit also has an abundance of Vitamin C that helps in boosting energy levels and keep us active throughout the day.

So, no matter what is your age, this naturally sweet and beautiful looking fruit is liked by everyone, which makes this luscious fruit even more popular.

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– D

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