Fenugreek for good health

11. September 2017 Fenugreek 0
Fenugreek for good health

Herbs and spices have numerous health benefits and part of day-to-day life. Fenugreek is one herb that has proved to be highly beneficial for human health. Fenugreek or Greek Hay belongs to Fabaceae family and has amazing medicinal properties that help in keeping our body healthy. Both, its seeds and leaves are known to be useful for human health and helpful in curing various ailments such as:

Anaemia – People suffering from Anaemia usually have low hemoglobin levels in the body due to iron deficiency. Therefore, doctors prescribe to eat food that is rich in iron and Fenugreek is one herb that can help. Fenugreek seeds are rich in iron and hence provide a good way to maintain healthy hemoglobin level in the body.

Digestive disorders – Fenugreek seeds are known to cure digestion related problems. If you are suffering from problems like dysentery and diarrhea, consuming fenugreek leaves can prove to be highly beneficial. Indigestion or slow functioning of the liver can also be cured by eating fenugreek leaves.

Fever – Fenugreek leaves are vital in controlling body temperature in fever. Since fenugreek is known as a cleansing agent, it helps in flushing out toxins from our body thereby keeping our body temperature at a low level during fever.

Respiratory infection – if you are a patient of asthma, influenza, sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, intake of fenugreek seeds water can be highly beneficial in curing these problems.

Diabetes – Fenugreek seeds have proven to be magical for blood sugar patients. The amino acids present in Fenugreek seeds, it increases the production of insulin in our body which is important to maintain blood sugar levels in our body.

Oral and dental health – The bad breath could be due to consumption of bad odor foods and presence of bad breath causing bacteria. Fenugreek seeds can help in eliminating these toxic materials and guard our mouth against bad odors.

Increase breastfeed – Due to the presence of diosgenin in Fenugreek, it is known to benefit breastfeeding mothers. Diosgenin helps in increasing the production of milk in breast and the vitamins & minerals present in Fenugreek also helps in improving the quality of milk.Fenugreek is rich in vitamins, minerals, organic compounds and antioxidants that are known to cure various health problems. Different forms of Fenugreek are available in the market and are safe to consume.

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I strongly recommend to consult with your Doctor & health provider before trying any herbal remedies in your foods.

Check my website HerbyOrganics.com for more details.

Do let me know your opinion on this article, and what other food sources you may like to discuss.

– Dimple

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