Health benefits of Mustard seeds

18. September 2017 Mustard 0
Health benefits of Mustard seeds

Mustard seeds might be tiny, but its health benefits are huge. Mustard is one of the most popular spices that also has great healing properties. Mustard is known to be part of the cabbage family. but its health benefits are so many that you would like to include it in your family. More compelling to include Mustard seeds in your food after reading this article.

Known health benefits of Mustard

Mustard seeds are rich in vitamins and minerals. Due to the presence of valuable nutrients, it collectively offers a high level of health benefits with unique zingy flavor. Let us further discuss some of the healthy benefits that this small round spice brings to the human body:-

  • Mustard seeds are packed with phytonutrients that slow the progression of cancer causing agents in our body. Studies even prove that it restricts the growth of the present cancer cells and prevent the formation of new ones.
  • Packed with vitamins like folates, niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, mustard seeds are great in increasing metabolism rate that is beneficial for weight loss.
  • Due to the presence of minerals like selenium and magnesium, it guards our body against symptoms of asthma, cold, congestion and other respiratory problems. The anti-inflammatory properties present in these minerals provide relief from muscle pains.
  • Mustard is a great source of Vitamin A, C, and K as well as carotenes. Combined all together can turn into antioxidants that slow down the aging process.
  • The presence of high levels of vitamins like B3, it helps in lowering the cholesterol levels and prevents blockage in arteries that further results in heart problems. Mustards seeds are known to regulate blood flow and protect the body from hypertension.
  • The presence of other minerals like iron, manganese, copper etc, it helps our body to fight infections.
  • Iron, magnesium and fatty acids present mustard seeds speed up the hair growth process. It also strengthens hair and protects from hair fall.
  • Mustard seeds are great for skin as well. The antifungal and antibacterial properties keep skin infections at bay.
  • Psoriasis patients can benefit highly from consuming mustard seeds. Studies have shown that the mustard seeds are potent in curing inflammation associated with psoriasis. Treatment on affected areas with mustard seeds can stimulate the performance of good enzymes that further helps in healing.

All in all, mustard seeds are a safe way to eliminate many health problems.

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– Dimple

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