Most Vigorous and Surprising Garlic Benefits

04. January 2017 Garlic 0
Most Vigorous and Surprising Garlic Benefits
The aroma of garlic is really enticing and captivated with powerful notes. Garlic is used in curries, pizza toppings and stir fries, pastas and in many non veg dishes as well. Addition of garlic can add life to any dish and even treat many ailments as well. Here are some surprising health benefits of Garlic. ...Read More

Ten Amazing Health Benefits of Kiwi

02. January 2017 Kiwi 0
Ten Amazing Health Benefits of Kiwi
The brilliant color and exotic taste of Kiwi attracts everyone, but the health benefits of Kiwi are its uniqueness. Read following the amazing health benefits of this power food: DNA Damage Protection A research, conducted by Collins, Hotten and Horska showed that the antioxidants of kiwi can protect the oxidative damage of DNA cell. Even ...Read More

Five Ultimate Health Benefits of Saffron

30. December 2016 Uncategorized 0
Five Ultimate Health Benefits of Saffron
Saffron Tea is made through Saffron plant, it has magical attributes and grown in Europe and Asia naturally. The spices made with saffron are always adored and are costly as well, as for making 1Kg of these spices you will need at least four hundred thousand saffron stigmas. Besides these spices, the saffron plant is ...Read More

Pomegranate- A Beneficial Fruit for Your Health

29. December 2016 Pomegranate 0
Pomegranate- A Beneficial Fruit for Your Health
Pomegranate, which is an exotic fruit and cultivated from very olden time, firstly grown in ancient Persia. Pomegranate word is taken from the Roman, which means “seed apple”. Pomegranate can treat dementia, cancer, diabetes and menopausal problems and prevent the sunburn. Organically produced pomegranate is good for your health. The health benefits of Pomegranate include: ...Read More

Wonderful Health Beneficial Properties of Lemon

29. December 2016 Lemon 0
Wonderful Health Beneficial Properties of Lemon
Lemon, an acidic citrus fruit which is easily available throughout the year has a bright yellow outer skin and light colored inner one. This small looking fruit is packed with many incredible health benefits. Slightly bitter and sour taste juice of the lemon is the key ingredient of many health beneficial and popular drinks and ...Read More

Yoga Herbal Tea

28. December 2016 Uncategorized 0
Yoga Herbal Tea
Are you among Yoga or Non Yoga lovers, just have one cup of Yoga tea to gain the health benefits of it. The Yoga tea, having ingredients orange, ginger, cinnamon and lemon taste awesome and keep you healthy. So for those who are most concerned about their health, just have one cup of Yoga tea ...Read More

Green Tea

28. December 2016 Uncategorized 2
Green Tea
Full of anti-oxidants, this tea can help focus better and feel younger. Contains natural ingredients Rose, Rose-hip, Fennel seeds and Green tea leaves to add a bit of flavour so you can drink without even adding sugar. Ingredients Green Tea Leaves. Rose. Rose Hips. Fennel.Read More

Fruit Tea

28. December 2016 Uncategorized 0
Fruit Tea
Our very special tea, you can drink it & eat it too. One of the hottest selling products in our store, this fruity tea is a very rich medley of various fruits in a fine balance. and full of beneficial minerals & vitamins. Ingredients Apple. Kiwi. Orange. Strawberry. Pear.Read More