Food, beauty & health

21. August 2017 Papaya 0
Food, beauty & health
Papaya is power packed with essential nutrients for positive long lasting effects on the human body. Papaya is used in many beauty products, culinary and for medicinal purposes. Papaya is used in ripe or raw form. Here is a few reasons to include papaya in your food list. Rich in antioxidants – Similar to citrus ...Read More

Go Lean, Go Carrots

14. August 2017 Carrot 0
Go Lean, Go Carrots
Carrots are recognized historically as a super food that is oozing with nutritional benefits. There are many health compounds present in carrots. But carotenoids are the best known. Beta-carotene & Folate are the commonly known compounds found in carrots which are easily absorbed by the body. Here are top 3 benefits of including carrots in ...Read More

Purple is new cool

Purple is new cool
Off late there has been so much buzz around eating purple fruits & vegetables. The purple hue is present in these foods naturally due to compounds with unique properties beneficial for our immune system & cardiovascular health. Such fruits and vegetables contain high amounts of antioxidants namely Vitamin A and C that aids in fighting ...Read More

Miraculous benefits Wood Apple

Miraculous benefits Wood Apple
Wood Apple is largely grown in India. It is appreciated for its several therapeutic benefits. Also known as the Bael fruit in the local language, it is used in the preparation of many Ayurvedic medicines and is known for its helpful effects in digestion problems. Wood apple fruit has a thick green/yellow outside skin and ...Read More

Eating Potatoes can be healthier than you think

17. July 2017 Potatoes 0
Eating Potatoes can be healthier than you think
Potato is the most used and loved vegetable all across the globe. However, not many people are aware that potatoes are a highly nutritious vegetable than just being a delicious accessory to a meal. The health benefits of the vegetable are so great that they can be defined as the “underground health super food”. Potatoes ...Read More

Powerhouse of nutrients – Guar Beans

Powerhouse of nutrients – Guar Beans
Flattened they may look, but are highly beneficial for human health. Cluster beans or also known as Guar beans, a flattened form of French beans. They are slightly bitter in taste but a great source of fiber, protein and other nutrients. It also contains various vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. Some known benefits of Cluster Beans ...Read More

Eat Strawberries and live long

Eat Strawberries and live long
Strawberries are the most common form of a berry that is consumed across the globe and has been enjoyed for thousands of years. But not everyone is aware that strawberries are actually not a fruit but are derived from the holder of the rose flower. So, they actually belong to the rose family. With looks ...Read More