Plum Tea – A Complete Package of Health Benefits

07. April 2017 Plum Tea 0
Plum Tea – A Complete Package of Health Benefits

Plum tea is made by using fresh or dried plums. This Ayurvedic fruit tea will surely win your heart, not only due to its scrumptious taste but also because of its hidden health benefits. Sipping plum tea every day can not only keep you rejuvenated but can make your internal body organs healthy, as a result of which you can stay healthy for a longer period of time. The key ingredient of this tea, plum, is the reason behind the surprising and following listed health benefits of sweet and tasty plum tea:

Plums are packed with an immense amount of flavonoids and phenols and so can offer numerous health benefits:

Osteoporosis: Plums can help in maintaining healthy bones. Caffeic acid and rutin, present in plum tea, helps in inhibiting the bone deterioration and prevent osteoporosis-like diseases. Not only this, but dried plums can help in enhancing the bone density and helps in bone formation. For old-aged people, dried plum tea consumption can help in restoring the lost bone density due to their age.

Diabetes: Plums help in combating diabetes. A number of studies done on plums have proved that plums can reduce the blood sugar level and control the triglyceride levels of the body. Plums can make the human body resistant against insulin sensitivity.

Cognitive Health: The flavonoids present in plum can protect the body against any age-related cognitive impairments. The phytonutrients of the plums can reduce neurological inflammation and improve the memory and learning functions. Even age-related Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases can also be treated through plums.

Improved Cellular health: Plum tea can help in red cell formation and help in facilitating healthy blood circulation and blood purification. The copper present in plum is essential for the nerve health and acts as an antioxidant. It can also prevent anemia-like blood-related diseases.

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– D

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