Red Currant Berries – The Whole Package of Vitamins
Red Currant or Ribes ruburm are able to draw attention of everyone. Pulpy, juicy and red tinted berries are from Gooseberry family and native to the western part of Europe. In additional to its culinary use, it also has excellent medicinal and beneficial health properties.
Red currants are a good source of several nutrients (Vitamin A, Vitamin E. Vitamin B, Iron, beta-carotene, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, zinc and copper) and dietary fibers. Being a rich source of such vitamins, the fruit has below listed Therapeutic Uses and health benefits:
- Red Currant Berries have dietary fibers, which can keep your digestive system healthy and inhibit its disorders by regulating the bowel movement.
- Red currant can control the blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular or heart diseases.
- Gum related diseases can be warded off by Red currant. Regular ingestion of Red currant can reduce the tooth decay risk and helps in treating mouth ulcer and infections. Using Red currants as a gargling solution is also recommended to stay away from such diseases.
- Being a rich source of Vitamin C, it can boost the immune system and maintain the general body health.
- Eczema or Acne like skin diseases can also be reduced by consuming Red currants.
- Being low in calories and rich in fibers, it can help in managing obesity or losing weight.
- Red currants are considered as a good appetizer, so eaten them before meal can be a good choice to promote digestion power.
- Red currants are also used to heal wounds and can reduce the risk of septic infection.
- Being a diuretic, it can also help in removal of toxins or waste materials from the body. It may induce frequent urination and cure type 2 diabetes.
- Red currants are rich source of antioxidants and mineral and regular intake of them can help in detoxification and eliminate free body radicals and avert severe diseases.
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– D
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