Super food, for super people
Bananas are the second most popular fruit in the world, loved by people of all ages. Because of the benefits it brings to human health, bananas are a staple fruit in every household. They are nutritious and can be eaten instantly. It consists of sugars such as Sucrose, Fructose, and Glucose along with high amounts of Fiber. That is banana immediately boosts energy.
Banana also has many health benefits which are less known, but they result in the good quality of life for people of all ages. Consuming bananas in controlled limited quantities daily can lead a happier and healthier lifestyle.
Bananas and its health benefits
Apart from boosting body energy, there are numerous other benefits that bananas are capable of providing. Top on this list are:
- Helps build strong healthy bones in both children and adults. That is the reason pediatricians prescribe serving bananas to infants.
- Banana fruit has compounds which feed bacteria in colon-builds enzymes to aid the digestion of food rapidly and efficiently. These bacteria also have the capability to store calcium.
- Bananas are also good for healthy kidneys. Due to the presence of high levels of antioxidants, it helps in eradicating potential disease-causing agents more effectively.
- Bananas can lower the blood pressure quite quickly due to the high concentration of Potassium.
- Bananas can help in managing weight because they contain high amounts of soluble fiber, it increases the feeling of fullness. As a result, you don’t eat too often that results in weight gain.
To sum it up, Bananas are an incredibly healthy fruit that is easily available. Eat it with your cereals, or as a snack itself or add to your meals in different ways. They are simple to eat and are resistant to any pesticides or pollutants because of their thick protective skin.
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– Dimple